The next big thing (or maybe a small one)…

We all have dreams of one sort of another – they usually fall into two categories: the ones we share, and the others we hold closely to ourselves.

Have you ever noticed that those dreams that are shared are the ones most likely to come true? They are also the ones least likely to bring any attention to ourselves. We hold those other dreams close to ourselves for several reasons – but the most common reason, or excuse for that matter, is that of judgement (or ridicule) from peers, friends and/or family…

But I have also noticed that anything we hold confidently we attain, and attain pretty quickly – in spite of any judgement or ridicule from peers, friends and/or faimly. This is true whether the dream or vision is a repeated habitual mannerism or a request for something we feel we are entitled to for whatever reason (and again, or for whatever excuse). At those times, we have the faith that will allow that dream or vision to occur as a reality as we don’t care what others may think, or feel, or judge about that we hold confidently. And most of the times, we did not know how it came to be nor during the early stages of attaining that dream how it would become a reaility…

So here’s a challenge – take a baby step just outside that comfort zone… Place that same faith into a dream of vision that is just beyond your reach as you do those dreams and visions that already within your reach. Establish the same belief in yourself for this dream as you do those dreams that you attain every day or you attain quite frequently – and then go for it!

Naturally, you will hear voices around you that support you and you will hear voices around you that will want to take you down – to steal that dream from you through the use of judgement. So you have to decide which is bigger: your dream or their judgements…

Are you lacking the necessary actions and lacking the necessary faith in yourself that makes their judgement your circumstance?

Or are you taking the necessary actions, becoming one with your dream, to make your dream your reality?

When a baby is taking it’s first steps towards something that has caught his or her attention, everything around and about him or herself becomes focused on that one item – nothing else matters as no one can steal this dream from the baby…

In reaching out for your own dreams or visions, simulate and magnify the very same excitement the baby possesses. The passion of going after it, the joy of getting closer to it, the attentiveness of attaining it – and the the realization that he or she is just within reach of that attainment even though it fails to grasp it the first, second or third time around… some challenges can be attained within minutes, others can take up to 4 or 5 or 6 weeks – but the baby keeps going after the prize until he or she has it in hand…

And once you taken grasp of your own dream or vision, hold onto it as a baby would – enjoy the moment of accomplishment, look around and share it with others. Then, like the baby, sit down to see what your achievement has done for yourself. Then give everyone another glance to see just how happy those that love you are about your accomplishment. And if there is no one looking, smile at yourself, be pleased and hold it up high for all to see and make some noise about it…

And then go after the next bigger thing – there’s nothing more boring than sitting around and waiting for the next big thing to happen…

About The HRIS World Research Network

Entrepreneur, publisher, editor, writer, researcher
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