Too much pomp and circumstance for so little done…

Merriam-Webster defines smug as the following…

Main Entry: smug
Pronunciation: \ˈsməg\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): smug·ger; smug·gest
Etymology: probably modification of Low German smuck neat, from Middle Low German,

from smucken to dress; akin to Old English smoc smock
Date: 1551
1 : trim or smart in dress :
2 : scrupulously clean, neat, or correct : tidy
3 : highly self-satisfied
— smug·ly adverb
— smug·ness noun

This about sums up my feelings of the first week of Obama’s presidency. There is no humbleness about him whatsoever — he doesn’t have to be humble being the U.S President, but it’s not the title that should make the man now is it?

For the people that voted, the majority elected this person… If everyone had voted, I’m not so sure if he would or would not be in office. I do know he did not receive my vote because I decided to follow my hunches… and as my friends say, my hunches are usually dead on…

Don’t get me wrong, my prayers still include the U.S President — but I am finding myself praying for characteristics that were missing in the office of Carter, Clinton and now his…

After all, history IS repeating itself…

About The HRIS World Research Network

Entrepreneur, publisher, editor, writer, researcher
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